Name: Linnea Crow (Nea)

Age: 17

Family members: father – Luke (47), mother – Alice (45), brother – Will (20)

Job/your daily routine/status in the society: Crow exterminator; Wakes up at 4am, shoos crows away and practices fencing with them, teaches Rye self-defense against crows for an hour, goes on races with crows, plays leap frog with crows, and sleeps in the field; weird person that barely anyone knows.

Personality: Slightly off the rails because of mental depression, neutral about the Capitol and Reaping due to the fact that she’s known no one who has been selected in the Reaping and just sees it as a way to get more grain, and thinks that the Capitol people are just trapping themselves with luxury.

Additional info: Blonde hair, permanently pale, blue eyes. 

Wait I’m supposed to say my name?  Oh yes, um…  What was it again?  Crow!  Yes, it’s crow!  Linnea Crow, though I must say curse my parents for giving me such a strange first name, except sadly it’s a touch hard to curse someone in a non-magic world.  So I seem young?  I can assure you I’m 71…er 17.  No I’m perfectly fine, I assure you.  Oh so what do I do for a living in such a poor, poor district?  Crow!  Crow!  Something to do with crow!  Oh yes, indeed a crow exterminator!  She’s a crow exterminator!  I mean… I am.  I’m blonde?  How did you guess?!  Wait give me a moment I need to go fence with the crows.  Don’t ask how I do this; ask how the crows do it.  …  So I’m strange?  Don’t worry, I’m really quite normal.  I teach Rye self-defense against crows, go on races with crows, play leapfrog with crows, and most of all, I shoo crows away from stealing grain, although I see no point in such a pitiful occupation.  Did I go through some trauma as a young child you ask?  Nope.  My family’s perfectly normal.  My older brother Will farms.  My father Luke farms.  My mother Alice farms.  They live in a house.  I live in their field.  A simple, stereotypical life.  We aren’t really affected by the reaping.  Like it’s hilarious how the Capitol while trying to punish us traps themselves and incriminates themselves.  In the meantime, we get more grain for the crows to eat!  How lovely!  What else?  Ah never mind.  Leap frog time!

1/31/2013 03:58:41 am

Love your character and story so nicely done, nice. :D

1/31/2013 03:58:51 am

I really like how weird your character is haha!

Alex ZAstre
1/31/2013 03:59:29 am

Loved the way you wrote about your character.

Hazel A
1/31/2013 04:04:15 am

i really like they way you wrote it. it was super creative!

Stephanie Liu
1/31/2013 04:05:45 am

Gotta love the strangeness :)

1/31/2013 12:57:57 pm

I love the way her quirkiness and crazy personality showed in your writing! great job

2/1/2013 03:25:05 am

Great Job! Love the unique characteristics!


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