`    Connections between the Pat Tillman news story and the Hall of Fame by the Script:

     Dedication to what you believe in; to your dream; for your country, is the ultimate accomplishment and sacrifice.  In the Hall of Fame, it says "Dedicate yourself and you can find yourself."  In the life of Pat Tillman, he dedicates himself to working in the army for his country ("Do it for your country." - Hall of Fame), to find himself and meaning, giving up the wealthy life of a football star for what he truly believed in.  Both the news story and the song express a powerful belief of dedication for country and meaning.  

      Connections between the news story and another news story:
      In the news story Avoiding friendly-fire accidents proves challenging, even for pros, it discusses a quote in part of it - "Prudence is the better part of valour, but prudence might get you killed." - David Burnell.  This relates to the news story because it voices a similar dilemma - to stay alive, or risk your life in prudence for other's lives.  In the Pat Tillman news story, Tillman is killed as a result of friendly-fire by soldiers who were so desperate to stay alive they didn't even consider the possibility that they might be shooting at their comrades.  Likewise, the officer in the second news story voices how if you shoot you might hit an innocent or fellow officer in self defence.  To choose yourself or others is a vast choice with many consequences, common in military matters.

      War is a fissure in a rock, cracking the peace, widening until it cracks a hole in the very hearts of those afflicted by it, to separate one from friends and family alike.  As people grow up, they react to stimuli in ways based on how their brain works, developing their beliefs.  It could be one difference in a personality, a slight difference in a situation that some undergo, that can push two apart in times of war.  A friend is a comrade, while a foe is someone on the opposite side - whether two are brothers or best friends, in a battle against each other one will be dead, as one values people for a singular belief, rather than their whole personality in such circumstances.  Therefore, war is one of the greatest dividers between people, warping relationships.
Ms. D
10/11/2012 12:46:11 pm

This is very well written. I like your unique articles and the language you use in this post is appropriate and descriptive. Well done.


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